Aandacht Maakt | Side Specific Installation | 2016
Aandacht Maakt translated as Attention Makes, was the slogan of IKEA in 2016. The slogan appealed to me cause it connects with the way I wanna work as an artist. It covered my thoughts to put all my attention into normal stuff, to show the beauty of daily life.

For a long time I was occupied finding the right position of myself in my work. Also in this project I was looking for a role for myself between my objects.
I portrayed myself as the man from the IKEA guide who is a staircase for 1 foot in a strange way.
Gradually it became clear to me that this is the reason why I can often be found in my work. My body provides a human addition to an object or installation, so that the work can have a stronger relationship with the viewer.

All my thoughts came together behind the glass of the metrostation in Amsterdam. I created a side specific installation, a staircase that could have come out of the Ikea Magazine. In every part of this staircase you see alienating elements recognizable from the bathroom or your kitchen cabinet.
Galerie Inkijk, Polderlicht, Metrostation Wibautstraat